On a recent trip to our local version of the "Golden Mile"...
photo courtesy s.hajdu
...we could not go by without passing through one of our favourite stores there.
We will save the advertisement of said store to others, but suffice to say that along with a stunning variety of books they also carry a delicious variety of "object particulier" that does, at times, strike our fancy.
What we do love most of all though is their large and eclectic department solely devoted to magazines... a severe weak point for us at the best of times.
On a recent visit we came across the 10th Anniversary issue of "French" revue de modes.
Our collective jaws dropped at the shear page volume of incredible fashion editorial and styling content, as only the french can do!!
An audacious "Dog Day Afternoon" inspired, multi-page editorial featuring Sharon Stone (!)
was what initially drew us to pick up this issue in the first place and it did not disappoint.
Also included is a great spread with Cindy Crawford, looking as "babe-alious" as ever...

co-starring a variety of monster Mack trucks all being hosed down..
Mon Dieu! (the trucks, not Mlle. Crawford!)
All of the above can also be accessed in video form, though we did prefer the printed version
Though some might find this to be glorifying a "violent" subject matter and therefore not to their liking,
we chose to award it to artistic license...we are all big boys and girls, n'est pas chérie?
A little more tame is a cute editorial on the equally cute and very "IT" Alexa Chung.
photos courtesy of Thierry Le Gouès
This wonderful 10th Anniversary Issue of "French" revue des modes is well worth it for anyone interested in the latest of "la mode" according to our french brothers and sisters
...and as they say: "Chapeau!" to the editorial and styling teams involved.